

Introducing adorable little Bruno! This little man loves to give big kisses, snuggle with his humans, fall asleep in laps, burrow under the covers, and play chase! He is a lover through and through. And the KING of belly rubs. He is good with most people, ready to lick them all over and play the first time he meets them. He is scared of men and has shown aggression towards them in the past, so we recommend a home without men. Bruno does not get along well with other dogs. He wants to play with his furry friends but he does not know how to play friendly, and so he tends to get into scuffles with them. He would do well in a home without other dogs. Bruno LOVES food. Because of this, he learns tricks really quickly. He learned “sit” in as little as 3 days! He can tackle advanced puzzle toys and knows how to find all of his yummy rewards. Sometimes Bruno finds food or items outside that he is not allowed to eat, and humans must be careful when taking these things away. He sometimes guards his favorite resources with aggression, so would do well with an experienced family that is patient and can remain calm in these situations to avoid any escalation. Bruno is a highly intelligent and intuitive dog. He knows when he has done wrong and he learns very quickly to not repeat his mistakes. He listens when told to stop doing something (such as jumping on furniture, barking excessively, or pulling on his leash), and in a short time is able to correct his behavior. Bruno has his moments of energy and is capable of going on long walks, but is also perfectly happy with a lazy day to relax and take naps. He is comfortable in cars and behaves well during baths.

Bruno would do well with experienced owners who are capable of working with his resource guarding and reactivity around other dogs – because his heart is actually the most loving and friendly there ever was! Bruno’s human(s) will need the time and patience to undergo training - he is only 2 years old and has so much to learn about the world. Kids, men, and other dogs in the house are not recommended. 

We promised Bruno that the rest of his life, would be the best of his life. Could that be with you?

  • Dachshund & Mix
  • Male
  • 2 Years OldMy DoB is 06/06/2022 (Estimated)
  • 21 - 30 Pounds
  • Massachusetts
  • Black & Tan
  • Affectionate
  • I Don't Like Kids
  • I Don't Like Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
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