The one who started it all. California native. Passionate dog lover. Horse enhusiast. Juggler of all the things.
Stray dog magnet. Ice hockey player. Boat lover. Behavioral and feral dog guru. Meet-and-greet pro. Foster and owner of many dogs. Creative namer of animals.
Mom of 5. Zoo Animal Science grad. Vaccine + med administering pro. Vet appointment maker. Pig lover. Owner of 2 dogs, 5 cats, and too many farm animals.
Twin mom. Former teacher. Avid online shopper. Manager of social media. Planner of events. Fundraiser fanatic. Behind the scenes organizer. Owner of 2 dogs, 2 hermit crabs and 4 fish.
Deep cleaner. Queen of Organizing. Kitten cuddler. Inventory taker. Mt Dew lover. Mother of 4 children, 3 dogs, 2, cats, and 2 bearded dragons.
Grizzly bear technician in MT half the year, FVAR coordinator the other half. Michael's better half. Fur momma to 4 dogs, 3 cats, 2 horses, 1 bunny, + many ducks. Lover of all things outdoors.
Foster dog fail club member, after 9 foster dogs & too many foster kittens. California native. Beach & outdoors enthusiast. USC Masters student. Bully breed lover.
USC grad. Vet assistant. Animal advocate. Juggler of all things cat-related at FVAR. Owns two FVAR cat alums.
Mom of 2. Beach goer. Owner of a cat and two FVAR alum dogs. Detail-oriented teammate. Trainer and supporter of application processors. Email manager.
OG Kennel Manger AKA "Momma Kat." Squeegee Queen. Puppy Wrangler. Handywoman. Mom to 4 humans, 8 dogs, 9 cats, 2 ferrets, 5 rabbits, 4 ducks, and several chickens.
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